Saturday, February 18, 2006

Hey , just getting started !

My first blog post, like my first kiss,
so similar in spirit yet far in kind,
nervous then and now, and ecstatic
a poetic start!
I am an artist, so just right !
The synchronized symphony , Aah!

This is me. I am in my first year at the so so gorgeous UBC. It is a very happening place, warm and full of life. But that you would probably know. So lets talk about me. Or my life, or what's happening. I am a little nutsy , funny, cool, so childish( don't count on that , i can be sarcastic as the situation may require)! . Yet so amicable. Now i am adoring myself. This is just for you to read (I hate to talk about myself, so i am saying what i never feel about myself or say in front of you or them?) . Ok! lets talk realistic, I am not that cool or sarcastic. but a nice chap(that i owe to myself to say, you know the inner dude feels happy if i say( read write) that.

Too much talking about me, or is it?(This always reminds me of Joey's agent Bobby in Joey( (gosh ! i loved that show , and the crazy people at NBC took it off)) So lemme tell a bit more , a bit more from the heart , after all thats the whole purpose of writing. To jot down what you feel but cannot say. I feel we are becoming so hedonistic( for the uninitiated (its simply , pleasure-seeking) ) all the time. So much so that we dont recognize or value the people who make our life worth living. We create a shell around us, and sometimes pretend to be coming out , although we are just increasing its radius. Oops , maths talk, i shouldnt be talking that , being an artist at heart. But such is life at its truth. I wanted to take Arts. Was always an artist , listening to music of every single kind, i could find. Trying to listen to the cords of the six string during a heavy metal extravaganza or simply listening to and delving in the depths of Soul or Blues( God bless Norah Jones! She is amazing ,truly), I would wander off , in territories unknown to the mortal sapien. But alas, Ended up in , engineering??. Not that engineering is bad but i would have enjoyed majoring in poetry , just reading and creating poems all day. Or taking photos all day. Thats what could have been done. But wasn't.

Now , I am in engineering( or applied science as UBC likes to call it) and there's no outs. So gotta adjust to it. And have been adjusting pretty well. ya , life here hasnt been bad. Its been a lot of fun. From crazy parties in the first month at Totem Park to writing a research essay worth 50% of your mark in 2 days in your arts elective( which you were dumb enough to take as it was a 300 level course and you saw only the section number 101 and thought it was first year and registered for it only to realise that you were among the Arts elite of third and fourth year after your first midterm, ya i can be dumber than Edd sometimes, tho never go down to Eddy's level, lol) and being lucky to getting A- on it , all great stuff . So now its the second semester. Its lesser fun, no more 3rd year arts. Do i shout yay or arrgh, you decide! after all you do have a right to think, believe and (un)doing whats required.

Oh , didnt realise you need not be told that. So more about how i ended up in engineering. We ( I and my family) are recent immigrants to Canada. Came here at the end quarter of 2004. So my parents aren't settled enough to pay for my education. And they wouldn't be ever, if i pursued a degree in arts. it is thus important that i become an engineer and get a job right away. So i can support my parents who have always been there for me through good and bad and make my own home in my new land. And I do understand the need of education. It is important , to you and to me. I worked so hard to be here in UBC, for which i didnt stand a chance a year ago, given my financial condition. It was hard man, i worked 7 months straight, 7 days of the week, yes no breaks for me for 7 months even for one day, 8 hours everyday. But i made it to UBC , thats one of my dreams come true.

Yes, Now I am here. And it is such a good feeling. Believe me , everyone is not fortunate enough to end up here easily, so if you are here, make it worth the stay. Thats what i am trying to do. Trying to make it worth staying here. The more i write this, the more i realise the time i have lost, not doing anything. But now i am trying. Trying to work harder. Help me through the process, will you, if i may call you friend........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am inspired. you worked so hard man. i aint seen that many who have determination. keep it up.

4:05 AM  

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