Saturday, February 18, 2006

We got started, what now?

ya , we got started , what now?
oh , now , lets talk about art and I. I love writing, poetry specially , and photography , couldn't live without it. Right now, both have almost been consumed by the quicksand of engineering with tip of the man-berg remaining. But, maybe its the writing to the rescue. as i start writing, i start poetry and photography again. not right now tho . its too cold outside. But i will share some of the ones i took the other day. They should talk for my love of photography. here is the first one. this is the ubc library with the fountain of knowledge coming at me ( as i saw it then at least, i have been there just once till now and that too for a volunteer meeting, i pity myself for that)

This next one is again the library but without this artists touch , infact i tried to capture the artchitect's creative conceptual clarity ( engineering talk , again?) . It is supposed to look like an open book inverted on the table. and to me, it does look like that with the top semi-arcular corona being the backbone of the book. To see the cover and back page of this book ,you will have to ride a chopper( the flying kind) or skydive( not a good idea, but hey who am i to say anything , really!) haha

This oner is the garden, between the 2 libraries. I took this one because it denotes UBC perfectly, technology in midst of sustainability,the love of nature. The futuristic cool building on the right is the Robotic Book Retrieval library, where a huge robot keeps and gets the requested books. Now how cool is that, and it is the largest book retrieving robot in whole of canada( or is it? not sure, but its still mighty impressive)

Those were some of the pics i took on a rainy day. Hopefully i will take more as the artist in me tries to rejuvinate herself( shouldn't i be writing himself? debate ) . Next time we'll pull of some poetry and engineering talk( advice to people in engineering on how to succeed! and you can trust me, although here against my wish, i perk up pretty decent marks) .

Till next, Ciao( Its Ciao, not Chao sukky! I know you know but u might never read this , haha! I rock !!!!!). Oops , as i said , more for later.


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