Monday, February 20, 2006

Movies, Raccoons, Gujuratis et. al

We'll being an extreme movie buff during the last year and a half, i watched more than a thousand movies in that time( Now, i kind of regret it, because i could have written so much poetry, taken so many photos and gone on umpteen adventurous excursions experiencing the excitement of every single trip.) Owing to my even Xtremer Torrent skills i must have mopped up at least 200GB of data every month. But now they have gotten back at me. The resnet IT guys have found out about each one of bandwidth-hoggers and that includes me. Now i can't download movies as i used to. So i have given it up. Downloading movies, you ask , no watching them. I'm gonna go for those adventureous excursions i talked about, and if i can sustain, maybe even write a book. Not necessarily a novel(could be a novel too tho.), i could shell out a book about how to succeed in University Math, and believe me on this, it would sell like hot cakes. But alas, i need a lot of constant encouragement for that, which i cannot sustain!( Ya sustainability and perseverence is a big issue for me. I was such a good painter when i was small, till my grade 3 science teacher took my painting book and tore it to pieces in front of the whole class and then humiliated me in front of everyone for drawing in her science class. I have never painted/drawn ever since. ) I dont know how life would have been otherwise? Should i have been interested in painting and competing with raphael right now, who knows? But i'm stuck here, doing Maths, Physics and English(not the cool poetry/literature kind; this one is the ugly analyze research stuff, (as if they really think i'm gonna research english)). I couldn't even sustain my love for high school biology, believe me you wouldn't have seen a brighter kid in biology ever! But again someone said something about being a doctor taking that long which i deeming as the god's word opted for non-biology subjects. Should have stayed there, i would be on the road to becoming a real good doctor. Not that i can't do it now but you know i don't have the time to wait. Anyway, i have drifted off the main topic, movies. So, i watched so many movies that now i am a walking encyclopedia on them( thats temporary tho, i will forget their names soon). But hey, before i forget let me think what i found really meaningful movies worth watching time and again.
So , here goes the list. You might not agree with the order of movies but i am certain that the quality of these movies is exquisite.

1. The top award in my list is: "Schindler's List" I can watch it everyday and still get something new out of it"

2. The Godfather i,ii

3. Shawshank Redemption

4. Bridge on the River Kwai

5. Scarface

6. Braveheart

7. Goodfellas

8. The Usual Suspects

9. American History X

10. Pulp fiction

There are lots more i find really good but these take my heart away. So if you haven't missed even one of them, make sure you see it rightaway. It would be time well spent and would make your own life way more understandable. Anyway, Just remembered a recent movie "Revolver" is also right up there too.

Anyway , 10 minutes ago , i was outside with BK when we saw this cool raccoon. She stared at me first, but when i went off and pulled the camera, shied away. I was disapppointed but hey she climbed up the branch and was standing there being the perfect non-moving model but alas the lighting was not there and my camera's flash ain't that good. So, i took a picture based on my experience( i am lying; it was based on nothing really. Any photographer would be equally bad under those conditions with my camera tho.). Then we stared at each other, eye to eye, man vs. raccoon for almost 2 minutes. I went closer and tried to take another. But BK kept reminding me of raccoons and rabies so often that i had to listen to his advice and we went back; it was getting pretty cold and dark too. Another funny incident occured when we we're on this totally random walk. When not a soul was to be seen. Then we talked about how he would be so rich one day and drive a MayBach( The 500,000 US$ plus car, that you can customise). And i asked BK how he would customise it. Here's BK's version of the answer " Well, being a gujurati basically, i would tell them to make the exterior all crazy and great with a extremely polished and posh look. But inside it, i would tell them to not put any leather on the seats. I will put my own "chaddar" (gujurati for bedsheet) on them and then for the GPRS, it would be an outright NO! We don't need a GPRS, my driver knows the way( although i won't have a driver). Hell i wouldn't even buy a map. I would "ask" for directions. And then get my name written on the car as "BKs MayBach." Hillarious, I tell you. But that's BK for you. Although born and raised here in canada, He is hardcore gujurati inside( Actually all brown people like me would fit that too! Being cheap runs in our veins and we're proud of it. Just look at the %age of brown people shopping at a sale vs. otherwise). But that's how life is. Gotta enjoy these small funny moments as they come. I stilll can't believe he gave me that answer( He was obviously joking, but who knows?) That's all. Wanted to get the movie load off me. I miss you movies. But now i have a reason to let you go. I will still watch you, although a lot lesser in quantity but always be very selective. Do you have anything to add to the list? Something you felt should be definitely up there. Tell me. I will definitely try to watch it (Chances are though, i've already watched it!).

Here's the raccoon BTW: lol

I must admit she was really photogenic and patient. ( You're thinking why she? That's because i consider the sex of the unknown animal to be female because man they are as patient and loving as the women i have met and really respect!)

Isn't she pretty?

Oops almost forgot about our daily features.
Quotable Quote:" When everything is coming your way, buddy ,you're in the wrong lane."

For you Quote: "
What you desire is somewhere desiring you."

Hedbergian of the day:"
I wish my name was Brian because maybe sometimes people would misspell my name and call me Brain. That's like a free compliment and you don't even gotta be smart to notice it."

And the innovative word award goes to: "Consumojunkalazyrosis"

Definition: The incredible ability to continuously sustain the urge to do any real work while lazying your ass off on the bed usually accompanied by the highly stressful act of consuming large amounts of junk food. Usually appears in otherwise healthy individuals due to great efforts made to shirk work and lying to bosses. Highly non-treatable. Patients usually never completely recover. High risk of adverse reaction from the patient due to the fight mechanism for protection of that last piece of chips.


Blogger Jas B said...

I have seen 5 of those on your list, incredible movies!

I have pictures of raccoons, too. They made an appearance in broad daylight while I was visiting friends in Waterloo.

10:05 PM  

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