Friday, February 24, 2006

How we actually read?

Someone just sent me this in email , pretty cool
Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

If you can raed tihs psas it on !!

Wow Tihs is czray ? I nveer tughuot auobt tihs!

wat do u tnhik?

I am clinarety in deemigranest

(I am certainly in disagreement!) ( By yours truly)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Movies, Raccoons, Gujuratis et. al

We'll being an extreme movie buff during the last year and a half, i watched more than a thousand movies in that time( Now, i kind of regret it, because i could have written so much poetry, taken so many photos and gone on umpteen adventurous excursions experiencing the excitement of every single trip.) Owing to my even Xtremer Torrent skills i must have mopped up at least 200GB of data every month. But now they have gotten back at me. The resnet IT guys have found out about each one of bandwidth-hoggers and that includes me. Now i can't download movies as i used to. So i have given it up. Downloading movies, you ask , no watching them. I'm gonna go for those adventureous excursions i talked about, and if i can sustain, maybe even write a book. Not necessarily a novel(could be a novel too tho.), i could shell out a book about how to succeed in University Math, and believe me on this, it would sell like hot cakes. But alas, i need a lot of constant encouragement for that, which i cannot sustain!( Ya sustainability and perseverence is a big issue for me. I was such a good painter when i was small, till my grade 3 science teacher took my painting book and tore it to pieces in front of the whole class and then humiliated me in front of everyone for drawing in her science class. I have never painted/drawn ever since. ) I dont know how life would have been otherwise? Should i have been interested in painting and competing with raphael right now, who knows? But i'm stuck here, doing Maths, Physics and English(not the cool poetry/literature kind; this one is the ugly analyze research stuff, (as if they really think i'm gonna research english)). I couldn't even sustain my love for high school biology, believe me you wouldn't have seen a brighter kid in biology ever! But again someone said something about being a doctor taking that long which i deeming as the god's word opted for non-biology subjects. Should have stayed there, i would be on the road to becoming a real good doctor. Not that i can't do it now but you know i don't have the time to wait. Anyway, i have drifted off the main topic, movies. So, i watched so many movies that now i am a walking encyclopedia on them( thats temporary tho, i will forget their names soon). But hey, before i forget let me think what i found really meaningful movies worth watching time and again.
So , here goes the list. You might not agree with the order of movies but i am certain that the quality of these movies is exquisite.

1. The top award in my list is: "Schindler's List" I can watch it everyday and still get something new out of it"

2. The Godfather i,ii

3. Shawshank Redemption

4. Bridge on the River Kwai

5. Scarface

6. Braveheart

7. Goodfellas

8. The Usual Suspects

9. American History X

10. Pulp fiction

There are lots more i find really good but these take my heart away. So if you haven't missed even one of them, make sure you see it rightaway. It would be time well spent and would make your own life way more understandable. Anyway, Just remembered a recent movie "Revolver" is also right up there too.

Anyway , 10 minutes ago , i was outside with BK when we saw this cool raccoon. She stared at me first, but when i went off and pulled the camera, shied away. I was disapppointed but hey she climbed up the branch and was standing there being the perfect non-moving model but alas the lighting was not there and my camera's flash ain't that good. So, i took a picture based on my experience( i am lying; it was based on nothing really. Any photographer would be equally bad under those conditions with my camera tho.). Then we stared at each other, eye to eye, man vs. raccoon for almost 2 minutes. I went closer and tried to take another. But BK kept reminding me of raccoons and rabies so often that i had to listen to his advice and we went back; it was getting pretty cold and dark too. Another funny incident occured when we we're on this totally random walk. When not a soul was to be seen. Then we talked about how he would be so rich one day and drive a MayBach( The 500,000 US$ plus car, that you can customise). And i asked BK how he would customise it. Here's BK's version of the answer " Well, being a gujurati basically, i would tell them to make the exterior all crazy and great with a extremely polished and posh look. But inside it, i would tell them to not put any leather on the seats. I will put my own "chaddar" (gujurati for bedsheet) on them and then for the GPRS, it would be an outright NO! We don't need a GPRS, my driver knows the way( although i won't have a driver). Hell i wouldn't even buy a map. I would "ask" for directions. And then get my name written on the car as "BKs MayBach." Hillarious, I tell you. But that's BK for you. Although born and raised here in canada, He is hardcore gujurati inside( Actually all brown people like me would fit that too! Being cheap runs in our veins and we're proud of it. Just look at the %age of brown people shopping at a sale vs. otherwise). But that's how life is. Gotta enjoy these small funny moments as they come. I stilll can't believe he gave me that answer( He was obviously joking, but who knows?) That's all. Wanted to get the movie load off me. I miss you movies. But now i have a reason to let you go. I will still watch you, although a lot lesser in quantity but always be very selective. Do you have anything to add to the list? Something you felt should be definitely up there. Tell me. I will definitely try to watch it (Chances are though, i've already watched it!).

Here's the raccoon BTW: lol

I must admit she was really photogenic and patient. ( You're thinking why she? That's because i consider the sex of the unknown animal to be female because man they are as patient and loving as the women i have met and really respect!)

Isn't she pretty?

Oops almost forgot about our daily features.
Quotable Quote:" When everything is coming your way, buddy ,you're in the wrong lane."

For you Quote: "
What you desire is somewhere desiring you."

Hedbergian of the day:"
I wish my name was Brian because maybe sometimes people would misspell my name and call me Brain. That's like a free compliment and you don't even gotta be smart to notice it."

And the innovative word award goes to: "Consumojunkalazyrosis"

Definition: The incredible ability to continuously sustain the urge to do any real work while lazying your ass off on the bed usually accompanied by the highly stressful act of consuming large amounts of junk food. Usually appears in otherwise healthy individuals due to great efforts made to shirk work and lying to bosses. Highly non-treatable. Patients usually never completely recover. High risk of adverse reaction from the patient due to the fight mechanism for protection of that last piece of chips.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The photographs, Feb 19/06, morning

This one is on one of my favorite subjects, trees.

They in themselves express such great art, the reason i first picked up camera 10 years ago. this one to me looks like a bear leaning against a dinosaur

More tree art.
Reminds me of LOTR.

Exquisite carving. This wreck beach bench has amazing carving on the trunk. Reminds me of ancient indian temple art. Go to india to see for yourself.

The ever elusive seagull. Pesky and clever, damn little birds. I still love you.

Wreck Beach Baby. (In?)Famous for the hippie culture. Non-existent nowadays( winter-time).
In full flow with dangling weaponry during hot summertime. lol!

And yes Jas i have been chased around by geese at a friends house. And its damn scary. I can take a rabid dog bite to a goose-bite any single day of the year.

The morning walk, finally

This break has been really good to me in a couple of ways. Finally i have gotten back to my artistic self and come out of that shell i created around me. And i have become more determined, even in studying( although that has to be put into practice). Anyway, i finally made that so promised morning run and also the 5th visit to Wreck Beach( In case you didnt know this is a nudist beach, i got proof!). So i run around for like 30 odd minutes , exhausted and then start to walk. I was wise enough to carry the camera this time around( though the added weight made it hard to carry, now come on, i am exaggerating , it weighs just around maybe 3 pounds at most). But ya, i did carry it with me and took some nice photographs; some didn't turn out that well on account of morning darkness.

But lets talk about the beach. I made my journey from the inner Totem Park to Place Vanier and then turned left to Trail 6 to the beach. It amazes me everyone time i'm there. It is so cool, so in midst of nature. The only sounds you hear are: noise of the squirrels in the bushes as they move, the sounds of the seagulls( not as good as the seagull guitars tho, they get better overtime too!) and the distinctive roar of the infinite sea. The roar is different everytime i'm there; it might be different times of the day or seasons but i feel she greets me differently each time to express her awesome abilities. No doubt, O great sea you are mighty. Anyway, the first thing that amused me there today , was that someone had actually made the effort to count the number of steps of trail 6."324", it said. I have no reason to disagree, although i would argue that it seems like 50 going down and 500 coming up. So, ya( Jerome ;) ) I'm there trying to take some photographs of the seagulls. Those pesky little birds are so clever. Everytime i would try to go near one of them( just for a decent photograph) they would start walking, gradually at first but then pick up speed and walk into water and start swimming. We must have went through the process about 10 times and then i gave up.( just like i gave up on that annoying problem 3 by our math prof. hell i got no clue wat to do there. ) But during this exciting game of "catch me if you can" i did capture one of 'em floating. But during the game, something bad happened. A crow came out of nowhere and took away the tiny fish those seagulls were sharing. I felt like the crow's accomplice in the crime and was furious. So were they man! They started flying right at the crow. But the crow escaped. One more reason why i usually try to stay away from the wild fauna. I felt bad again, but reassured myself, hey being that clever they'll catch another in no time. Another thing i noticed, the seagulls aren't just there for food. They enjoy the sea just as we do. I saw this one seagull, who walked from the sand towards the sea and stood right at the edge and actually raised its head in pleasure every single time the waves hit it. I now know, that they are as playful as we are and the wide blue sea is their home where they shop for food, play and seek refuge from unwanted humalien (human+alien) life form. The only downside of the trip, my old digital camera cant take more than 20 photos. And the resolution for far away objects isn't that good. One of the rare times when i felt that camera was more important than the cameraperson. But i will get a better one, albeit not soon. After i work full time in summer then will. An upside, being so cold out there, no naked bodies this time around.

Anyway i'm posting today's photos and also lets get back to
Quotes and im adding a new feature, innovative word of the day.

So Quotes first:
Quotable Quote of Blog: "Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back."
For you Quote of Blog: "The best things in life aren't things."

Hedbergian of the day: " I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music." As though there's any other way to take it in. You're not special. That's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it, but it did not work. "

And the innovative word award goes to: "LIKEIAN"
Description :A Likeian (like- ian) a person usually belonging to category : teenager /school kid that you come across while riding the city transit who show tremdendous potential in sustaining the usage of the most important word ever: LIKE !

Usage : "Last weekend we are like going through this park and we're like "wow" when we saw these guys and they were like "cool" and we're like "dudes" and they are like "yeah" and we're like "n-ah" and then we're all like "great!"
(thanks to Jas Bhambra for her novelty)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

My art work

here is some ;)

The pain comes back to me, again!

I am alone
The deep miserable void
There is nothing real around
Or inside
No person, no prop, no master

Who do i live for?
How do i live?
There are no desires
No joys, no light
But no death

They revisit
Those memories
I relive the pain
Yet again
It all comes back
Save me, its unbearable

But who can save me?
Sole thing i have
Are memories
That torture me
Curse you memories

You torment me
Cut through me
Night through
There is no day
Leave me

Now its gone
I cant bear the silence
It shatters me
Into pieces
It hurts even more
I cannot
Endure it

Return Please
I know you hurt me
But you
Are there
For me
Even if
Torment my soul

I cannot live
Without you
I know you are
Killing me
But you are
The very reason
I live for

You flow through
my body like poison
But you flow inside
my soul as her blood
Silenced and shouting
I lie

I live in this prison
Of memories
Inside walls of pain
So dreadful

My pain
My Greatest enemy
The Only one
Who is MINE !

Its morning and I am lazy, not something new!

Ya, i am up early in the morning and feeling know.
anyway today, the goal is to get the english orchestration done, or i will do bad at it again. For all the love of poetry, I can't( cannot- for u O english teacher) stand the university english for all its rhetoric( whats's that again?) and critical analysis(from the dictionary, it has nothing to do with paralysis of the anal tract apparently but once you are put in charge of doing it for an assignment , believe me there is paralysis , specially of the lower area) . But that's i guess how english works as you grow up. You were such an enthusiast in high school, getting through english only took a little literary work. And you thought, hey university english can' t be that bad. But once you come here, you are pushed into becoming a scholar( i'd rather still be a schoolar because that one 'o' gone turns your life upside down). So you get across terms attempted to show above( pardon me for writing that, you might think," what is this talk about?".)

So i oblige to Mr. Inner( the self personified) and get on with the quotes section. ya its fun to have quotes.

Quotable Quote of Blog:"I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it."

For you Quote of Blog: "A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything."

and finally Hedbergian of the day( dedicated to one of my favorite comedian Mitch Hedberg :
"One time I was forced to go to the doctors because of a sports accident. Herpes."
So, ya( Jerome thats an imitation of you) later. Gotta get started on the english thingy.

We got started, what now?

ya , we got started , what now?
oh , now , lets talk about art and I. I love writing, poetry specially , and photography , couldn't live without it. Right now, both have almost been consumed by the quicksand of engineering with tip of the man-berg remaining. But, maybe its the writing to the rescue. as i start writing, i start poetry and photography again. not right now tho . its too cold outside. But i will share some of the ones i took the other day. They should talk for my love of photography. here is the first one. this is the ubc library with the fountain of knowledge coming at me ( as i saw it then at least, i have been there just once till now and that too for a volunteer meeting, i pity myself for that)

This next one is again the library but without this artists touch , infact i tried to capture the artchitect's creative conceptual clarity ( engineering talk , again?) . It is supposed to look like an open book inverted on the table. and to me, it does look like that with the top semi-arcular corona being the backbone of the book. To see the cover and back page of this book ,you will have to ride a chopper( the flying kind) or skydive( not a good idea, but hey who am i to say anything , really!) haha

This oner is the garden, between the 2 libraries. I took this one because it denotes UBC perfectly, technology in midst of sustainability,the love of nature. The futuristic cool building on the right is the Robotic Book Retrieval library, where a huge robot keeps and gets the requested books. Now how cool is that, and it is the largest book retrieving robot in whole of canada( or is it? not sure, but its still mighty impressive)

Those were some of the pics i took on a rainy day. Hopefully i will take more as the artist in me tries to rejuvinate herself( shouldn't i be writing himself? debate ) . Next time we'll pull of some poetry and engineering talk( advice to people in engineering on how to succeed! and you can trust me, although here against my wish, i perk up pretty decent marks) .

Till next, Ciao( Its Ciao, not Chao sukky! I know you know but u might never read this , haha! I rock !!!!!). Oops , as i said , more for later.

Hey , just getting started !

My first blog post, like my first kiss,
so similar in spirit yet far in kind,
nervous then and now, and ecstatic
a poetic start!
I am an artist, so just right !
The synchronized symphony , Aah!

This is me. I am in my first year at the so so gorgeous UBC. It is a very happening place, warm and full of life. But that you would probably know. So lets talk about me. Or my life, or what's happening. I am a little nutsy , funny, cool, so childish( don't count on that , i can be sarcastic as the situation may require)! . Yet so amicable. Now i am adoring myself. This is just for you to read (I hate to talk about myself, so i am saying what i never feel about myself or say in front of you or them?) . Ok! lets talk realistic, I am not that cool or sarcastic. but a nice chap(that i owe to myself to say, you know the inner dude feels happy if i say( read write) that.

Too much talking about me, or is it?(This always reminds me of Joey's agent Bobby in Joey( (gosh ! i loved that show , and the crazy people at NBC took it off)) So lemme tell a bit more , a bit more from the heart , after all thats the whole purpose of writing. To jot down what you feel but cannot say. I feel we are becoming so hedonistic( for the uninitiated (its simply , pleasure-seeking) ) all the time. So much so that we dont recognize or value the people who make our life worth living. We create a shell around us, and sometimes pretend to be coming out , although we are just increasing its radius. Oops , maths talk, i shouldnt be talking that , being an artist at heart. But such is life at its truth. I wanted to take Arts. Was always an artist , listening to music of every single kind, i could find. Trying to listen to the cords of the six string during a heavy metal extravaganza or simply listening to and delving in the depths of Soul or Blues( God bless Norah Jones! She is amazing ,truly), I would wander off , in territories unknown to the mortal sapien. But alas, Ended up in , engineering??. Not that engineering is bad but i would have enjoyed majoring in poetry , just reading and creating poems all day. Or taking photos all day. Thats what could have been done. But wasn't.

Now , I am in engineering( or applied science as UBC likes to call it) and there's no outs. So gotta adjust to it. And have been adjusting pretty well. ya , life here hasnt been bad. Its been a lot of fun. From crazy parties in the first month at Totem Park to writing a research essay worth 50% of your mark in 2 days in your arts elective( which you were dumb enough to take as it was a 300 level course and you saw only the section number 101 and thought it was first year and registered for it only to realise that you were among the Arts elite of third and fourth year after your first midterm, ya i can be dumber than Edd sometimes, tho never go down to Eddy's level, lol) and being lucky to getting A- on it , all great stuff . So now its the second semester. Its lesser fun, no more 3rd year arts. Do i shout yay or arrgh, you decide! after all you do have a right to think, believe and (un)doing whats required.

Oh , didnt realise you need not be told that. So more about how i ended up in engineering. We ( I and my family) are recent immigrants to Canada. Came here at the end quarter of 2004. So my parents aren't settled enough to pay for my education. And they wouldn't be ever, if i pursued a degree in arts. it is thus important that i become an engineer and get a job right away. So i can support my parents who have always been there for me through good and bad and make my own home in my new land. And I do understand the need of education. It is important , to you and to me. I worked so hard to be here in UBC, for which i didnt stand a chance a year ago, given my financial condition. It was hard man, i worked 7 months straight, 7 days of the week, yes no breaks for me for 7 months even for one day, 8 hours everyday. But i made it to UBC , thats one of my dreams come true.

Yes, Now I am here. And it is such a good feeling. Believe me , everyone is not fortunate enough to end up here easily, so if you are here, make it worth the stay. Thats what i am trying to do. Trying to make it worth staying here. The more i write this, the more i realise the time i have lost, not doing anything. But now i am trying. Trying to work harder. Help me through the process, will you, if i may call you friend........